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Keep CR in place even if you don't meet sometimes, In Orlando FL we are meeting again starting April 16th, my journey involves 12 step programs I serve in, being an active Sub-c and homegroup member our CR ministry will be discussing issues like Denial, powerlessness and control. Haven't posted here in awhile, but my roots were planted in the NY CR ministry.
Hey all, hope all is well all over the world . Right now is the middle of the Corona Pandemic, we are having virtual CHURCH CR and NA meetings. If you need a meeting check on one the the CR websites or even an NA website. Here in Orlando I help manage the and websites
not much action on the site lately, wanted to share a story. I graduated CR back in 1989 in NYC , been in FL last 26 years. Recently one of my rental houses was turned into a grow House, during my dealing with the cleanup I encountered much cannabis smell, plus found large bags full of it. (immediately turned into the local police or destroyed) , if not for God's power and being taught to obey (as in matt 28:20) from Cr I may have used during this situation. Thanks to the NYC CR ministry I am still standing. I have many photos of the house, hopefully my experience can helps others somehow.
Keep CR in place even if you don't meet sometimes, In Orlando FL we are meeting again starting April 16th, my journey involves 12 step programs I serve in, being an active Sub-c and homegroup member our CR ministry will be discussing issues like Denial, powerlessness and control. Haven't posted here in awhile, but my roots were planted in the NY CR ministry.
tjnelson7 on 4 years ago
Hey there - Just FYI Inland Empire (LA Church) starting a Womens CR group on Thursday 9/24 at 6:30 PST. Contact me at @ for the Zoom link!
erotmil on 4 years ago
Hey all, hope all is well all over the world . Right now is the middle of the Corona Pandemic, we are having virtual CHURCH CR and NA meetings. If you need a meeting check on one the the CR websites or even an NA website. Here in Orlando I help manage the and websites
erotmil on 6 years ago
not much action on the site lately, wanted to share a story. I graduated CR back in 1989 in NYC , been in FL last 26 years. Recently one of my rental houses was turned into a grow House, during my dealing with the cleanup I encountered much cannabis smell, plus found large bags full of it. (immediately turned into the local police or destroyed) , if not for God's power and being taught to obey (as in matt 28:20) from Cr I may have used during this situation. Thanks to the NYC CR ministry I am still standing. I have many photos of the house, hopefully my experience can helps others somehow.
erotmil on 7 years ago
Hello from Orlando FL, CR today at 5
bioscience on 7 years ago
Hi family
cyoung on 7 years ago
I'm interested in initiating a CR Ministry, would we receive support somehow? Meaning primRily advisory support?
cyoung on 7 years ago
What books do you recommend? I have Some Sat in Darkness, is there anything else?
erotmil on 8 years ago
Hi Are the new classes being recorded and available for download?
hmullan on 8 years ago
Group formats are found in the Download section. (Link above)
Ap4365nyu on 8 years ago
Hi Guys does anyone know the journal format group A wit journal/ B without ?
hmullan on 9 years ago
Thanks Jessie. Someday i hope to do a better version.
JELAJESS09 on 9 years ago
i just want to thank all the brothers that did the mock video on how to do a CR group. it was great!!!!
JELAJESS09 on 9 years ago
hey everyone
hmullan on 9 years ago
Finally, I have fixed all the articles that were damaged by the upgrade. Phew tiring stuff. As always if you see anything crazy, let us know with the contact form.
hmullan on 9 years ago
Sorry folks if you had sign up and log in issues. Should be fixed now.
JELAJESS09 on 9 years ago
thanks hmullan im in
hmullan on 9 years ago
Good. Thanks Torsha
Torsha Lynch on 9 years ago
Thanks Harry I am in!!
hmullan on 9 years ago
I got a bunch back. Did you reply all?or just to me? Send me an email and let me know you are interested and I will add you to the group.
erotmil on 9 years ago
Harry emails bounced in response to your conference call/chat idea
erotmil on 10 years ago
Getting ready for CR in Orlando , thx Harry for this site I find it to be a great resource , Eric R P.S. I crashed the Orlando website doing an update should be back up soon as I can find the Back up file. Will message you if the links change
Tom Messina on 10 years ago
Tonight we will doing Staying Sober for the Holidays for midweek. Hope it helps the right folks. Tom M.
hmullan on 10 years ago
Been upgrading the site so if you see a few bugs let me know. The contact us page is broken but I hope to have it fixed soon. Also I have limited the download area to members only. Stay Tuned
erotmil on 11 years ago
Nationwide update (observation) . I've met CR grads that moved and told me many have decided that if alcohol was not their drug of choice its OK to drink, I would advise against this view, many addicts will relapse or become alcoholics if they decide to make this there conviction. The addiction recovery communities teach abstinence and CR has always taught that. Provs 6:27 one verse
erotmil on 11 years ago
Been working my twelve steps in NA learning alot. We are doing the CR classes in June , opening it up to the church (just for the classes) Looking forward to the CR convention in NY too. be well all . E
erotmil on 11 years ago
we have a few planning on going to the CR convention in May . is there any info on this site about it yet?
hmullan on 11 years ago
We have had a few here too. Like you said, we are not the conscience of everyone. Each person has to make their own decisions taking into account not only how it will affect them but also others watching their example.
erotmil on 11 years ago
to clarify some CR grads are claiming they were never addicts, just that they were put through CR. One guy says he was told to go to CR but just stopped smoking and using illegal drugs, now he can drink socially without ever getting drunk. I am not the conscience of everyone they have their own, CR is just here to help where it can.
erotmil on 11 years ago
Congrads Tia ! Thanks for the comments about CR grads drinking socially again, its not just one person, its a trend . People graduated years ago that drink may experience powerlessness to the drink again and they may not if they claim they do not get drunk then its hard to call it sin. Time will tell. With an opiate addict taking a prescribed opiate for pain I have advised addicts they can cause themselves a relapse and should not do it, but some have done it anyway. One key there is the addict needs to tell the prescribing doctor that they are an addict. then the dose will only be for 7 days (short term) still the medication can spark the addict into a relapse .