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International Churches of Christ
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hmullan on 18 years ago
LA, Portland, SF, Antelope Valley, BACC, Congratulations on a great CR Conference. If anyone took photos, send them in to me at the site. Thanks
mikesan420 on 18 years ago
Or if you have his Cell please submit to my email. Thanks.
mikesan420 on 18 years ago
If you have Sergio Arguello's email, please submit it to @ thank you.
hmullan on 18 years ago
Check you email. Thanks
baileyj on 18 years ago
If anyone knows this info could they e-mail me it? @
thanks! smile
baileyj on 18 years ago
somebody help me!! I was told i could download the guidelines and format of CR here, but I can't find them anywhere. Any suggestions would be great!
rrose56 on 18 years ago
Thanks Michelle! You were able to put into words what I was feeling and not communicating. I will send this website to our Sister in hopes that she will first be encouraged by this site and have some more input with respect to her thoughts.
Thanks so much Michelle for your love and concern.
In Him,
torresm on 18 years ago
Michelle, Bronx Region responding:
Greetings Rochelle,
We do CR because the bible is our standard and we want to help people (and ourselves) meet that standard in all areas of our lives - for the ultimate purpose of getting to heaven. We are not a secular outpatient drug program - there are enough of those out there for people who want that. I think doing CR is hard enough why would you want to start a group for people who clearly want an alternative to CR so the bible won't have to be their standard? Sounds like a heap of trouble to me! I would not go there. Re-direct them to NA, AA or other such. Last thought - CR is voluntary for all participants, including leaders - of course anyone not in Christ would want funding - Serving is a Christian principal. Peace.
rrose56 on 18 years ago
I have a question in which I need advice. A sister has asked how one would be able to set up a cr-like system in which folks who don't go to our church yet would go to CR. My concern is that CR is a part of the church, that is folks studying the bible and disciples go to CR. She mentioned having access to funding. My concern is liability and what would we need the money for. Am I off base? Or am I missing something? Any thoughts?
Love in Him,
hmullan on 18 years ago
Easter is OVER!! Everyone just back away from the chocolate and its gonna be OK. dodge

Hope everyone had a great Easter.
erotmil on 18 years ago
Skype & Jyye will check into them , opps gotta get to CR before I get locked out, LOL
hmullan on 18 years ago
Wishing you all a happy and sober St. Patricks Day. As the Irish would say "Is maith an scáthán súil charad" meaning "A true friend's eye is a good mirror ." Lets be both true friends and good mirrors for a dying world.
hmullan on 19 years ago
Hi Eric, Good to hear about table. Have you installed Skype and Jyve yet so we can chat? shades
erotmil on 19 years ago
Good news in Orlando, we are having a Gifts fair service on Sunday, Eddie Francis our SE sector Evangelist (& also an Elder) has asked our CR ministry to have a table with info for the church .
hope your ministry is doing well !
Eric (Hi Harry!)
erotmil on 19 years ago
wasup? anyone on chat
hmullan on 19 years ago
Hey Irene,
How are you? Great to see you on Sunday. I wasn't too sure if we would get into the building or have a winter outdoor service. smile
Hope you had a wonderful time with the family. Great to see Dad there too. He was in great form. Love to all.
irivera on 19 years ago
irivera-Greetings mighty warriors-- I'm excited about being connected thru the website. Thanks Harry for all your hard work and devotion to excellence. My love to Jackie-- Peace in abundance.
hmullan on 19 years ago
Hi Carmen, How are you? The details for setting that information are located in the FAQ section in the menu above. Click on th FAQ button and scroll to the bottom of the FAQ page and you will see the article. smile
Carmen Correa on 19 years ago
Harry this is carmen from the bronx. Dave ask me to put myself on the Locator. But I don't know how to submit the info. Please response - Thanks
marshelle on 19 years ago
Hi Everyone!!!
Just wanted to tell you how awesome, fun and uplifting the retreat was in Arrowhead California. It was my first time and I really enjoyed meeting all those who attended and I can't wait till the next retreat. Like Rochelle I too would heart to see some pics since so many were taken.
Many thanks to all who put this event together.
YSIC Marshelle
rrose56 on 19 years ago
Would someone who attended the CR Retreat this past weekend in Lake Arrowhead (Twin Peaks) post pics to this website, it would be great to see folks!
hmullan on 19 years ago
Decided to make the top graphics a little more festive idea Hopefully I remember to change them come January.
hmullan on 19 years ago
New Poll added. suprised
rrose56 on 19 years ago
Well I will add that the dental work was convicting! Yikes!
Talk about tough to even read...
rrose56 on 19 years ago
I am in the process of reading a Million little Pieces now. Very difficult book to read and very well written. I think it is a great book for CR folks to read. It hits close to home and it pulls no punches. I have not finished it yet so I will sound in once I have read it completely.
Editor on 19 years ago
Can ya help a brudda out?
Put some comments with the poll as you complete it. If you think there is too little information, let me know why. What other info would you want to see. So... Please add comments. Great Thanks
hmullan on 19 years ago
Hry Tom, Hope you and family are all well. Did not read it but it sounds good. If you write a review under the Submit News link, I will post it for everyone. Thanks
Tom Messina on 19 years ago
Hey all, Just read a great book called A Million Little Pieces,By James Frey. It's his account of six weeks in rehab. Did anybody else read it.
Editor on 19 years ago
smile smile smile smile
Hi there,
I just put a new poll out there. Take a look and submit a response. Thanks.
smile smile smile smile
Editor on 19 years ago
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