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What Happens After Recovery

ComWe have seen through countless pictures and life experiences, whether our own or others, what harmful effects drug and alcohol abuse can have on our appearance. We had the opportunity to find a great site Rehabs.com and they have an infographic we wanted to share with you. this infographic shows the before and after pictures or recovery. It is encouraging to see that recovery is possible and that the individual can be restored to their former appearance. We hope that you will be inspired by this either for your own life or for the life of a loved one trapped in this way.

The full infographic is available here.

Infog Sample

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Friday, October 27, 2017 - 18:33:23

Super Bowl parties don't have to be built around alcohol

A Consumer Affairs article by Mark Huffman

SuperbowllilogoThe 51st Super Bowl will be played on February 5, with the game becoming almost a national holiday in recent years.

And as friends gather to watch the game, large amounts of beer and other alcoholic beverages are consumed. For people in recovery, or who have embraced sobriety, going to a Super Bowl party can be something of a challenge.

In a growing backlash against excessive alcohol consumption, American Addiction Centers (AAC), a chain of treatment centers, is pushing a sober movement for Super Bowl LI. It's challenging the idea that the game and alcohol have to go together.

"I think it's almost a stigma in this country that in order to have a good time, you have to be under the influence and that is just not true," said Nicole Vasquez, National Alumni Manager, American Addiction Centers. "That is why our alumni team exists because it is so important, particularly for young people who get sober, to know you don't need substances to have fun in recovery."


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Thursday, January 26, 2017 - 17:07:00

What Price Marijuana Legalization?

Marijuana GreedAs the New Year dawned, 29 American States as well as the district of Columbia began 2017 with some sort of legislation allowing for the use of marijuana. With various decriminalization laws ranging from limited medical access to unrestricted recreational use, advocates in all 50 states are now pushing to repeal criminal penalties for using marijuana.

This new reality leaves those of us with a first hand knowledge and understanding of how marijuana really affects a person's health with an obligation to set the record straight. And while some have naively been fooled into thinking that the media's lack of transparent reporting on this issue, means there is little in the way of credible evidence to refute the calls for legalization, overwhelming evidence does exist, and underscores that the argument has only just begun and not ended as some would have you believe.


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Friday, January 06, 2017 - 21:55:00

Your Kids Do Listen To You


In today’s society where the use of alcohol and drugs have become a rite of passage for youth ages thirteen and older, it is not uncommon to hear horror stories about teen substance abuse. The peer pressure to join in these activities is greater than ever. At friends’ homes, at parties, and even in the school parking lot, teens consistently compromise their conscience in order to fit in or to be popular. Yet, despite these unfortunate truths, there are still teenagers and young adults today who choose to hold on to their values, to not conform, and to avoid the use of alcohol or drugs. These young people are focused on pursuing their goals of education, athletics, career, etc. I am proud to be one of them.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 10:07:00

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