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A Cure for Addiction - A Bridge For Sale
Buy the Brooklyn BridgeIt is difficult to switch on the TV or radio today without someone try to sell you a fix for some ailmant you may have. If someone tells you that there is a cure for addiction and you believe them, then there is a bridge in Brooklyn I would love to sell you. Look up the definition for addiction in any dictionary and you will find words like craving, dependance, obsession and compulsion. Words this strong are indicitive of something you cannot easily walk away from.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010 - 12:20:19

Dr King: Honoring his Legacy
Dr King: Honoring his LegacyIn Galatians 3:28 God, through the apostle Paul, makes very clear
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
God was stating that even though man considered these differences listed above, slave and free, Jew and Greek to be insurmountable, He would tolerate non of it. In Christ Jesus all mankind were on an equal footing. This is a consistent message throughout the New Testament.

Dr Martin Luther King agreed with this principal when he stated I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

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Monday, January 18, 2010 - 02:49:55

Me - A Slave?
What greater love is there than to offer a slave their freedom?
Only the truth from Jesus can set men free. In John 8 we learn that freedom is wholly available to anyone who is willing to trust in and listen to Jesus.

In this account, the Jews who had historically been enslaved by many nations, spoke defiantly to Jesus claiming they had never been slaves to anyone. Their inaccuracy was not the result of misinformation but rather a willful decision to ignore the obvious. Infact so great was their desire to not admitt to this truth that they ended up accusing Jesus Himself of being posessed by a demon.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010 - 13:26:50

NYC Introduces Heroin Use for Dummies Guidebook
Heroin Use for DummiesAt a time when US security forces are failing miserably to staunch the flow of drugs in this country, the NYC Department of Health has come up with a novel approach. The agency has printed and distributed over 70,000 copies of a how-to guide for heroin users complete with detailed tips on prepping the dope and injecting it into your arm.

The 16-page pamphlet features seven comic-like illustrations offering such useful advice as "Warm your body (jump up and down) to show your veins," and "Find the vein before you try to inject." It even encourages addicts to keep jabbing if their needles miss the mark. "If you don't 'register,' pull out and try again," it says.

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Wednesday, January 06, 2010 - 23:10:09

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