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Beautiful Boy - David Sheff
Beautiful BoyOne Sunday, a sister very dear to me runs up to me and tells me about a book she just finished reading that was heart wrenching. Now, my heart gets wrenched quite often as thanks to almost 20 years in CR, my empathy skills are well honed. She emphasized that once she had started reading the book she was virtually unable to put it down, completing it in one weekend.

It is hard to hear this and not have my curiosity piqued so she gratiously loaned me the book to read. She was right. It is a very hard book both to read and to put down.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 17:57:54

Eternal Fellowship - Choose Whom You Will Serve
Eternal Fellowship - Choose Whom You Will ServeIt is not good for man to be alone (Gen 2:18). This is one of the first statements that God made about his creation as recorded in the Bible and how true it is. It is not good for us to beAlastair Sim as Scrooge (1951) alone. One of the greatest fears that people face today is loneliness. Coming toward the twilight years of their lives with no one to spend it with. Having spent so much time and effort on pursuits that have availed them of nothing only to find out that they have cut off every single thread of friendship they ever had. Social sites like FaceBook and MySpace thrive because people need to have relationships with other people.

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Friday, December 04, 2009 - 18:25:07

Thanksgiving Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln - Thanksgiving ProclamationWe invite all to join us in remembering the history of Thanksgiving Day by reading just one of many Thanksgiving Proclamations given in the US, and adding to our discussion on this topic in the comments section below. Please take a moment to leave a comment by clicking the link below as we remember the truth about God’s place in our country’s affairs as recognized by the forefathers of this nation. by the President of the United States of America.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 16:46:36

I Don't Want To Talk About It - Terrence Real
Book review for I DonHaving been a disciple for 21 years and in recovery for almost all of those years, I was now seeing myself being totally overcome with anger and rage. "Losing my Religion" with my wife and children was becoming a daily event. I was constantly feeling a black cloud of rage and confusion hanging over me. I was reading and praying every day and never missing a service. What was it that God wanted me to see?

One day coming home from work I went into a book store to find a book on Church History. To get to the religion section, I had to walk past the self-help books. The name of this book caught my eye. How many times had my wife told me that I never wanted to open up and have deep talks. I bought this book instead of the one on Church History as I was hoping this could give me some answers.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 21:51:34

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