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Book Reviews
Having been a disciple for 21 years and in recovery for almost all of those years, I was now seeing myself being totally overcome with anger and rage. "Losing my Religion" with my wife and children was becoming a daily event. I was constantly feeling a black cloud of rage and confusion hanging over me. I was reading and praying every day and never missing a service. What was it that God wanted me to see?
One day coming home from work I went into a book store to find a book on Church History. To get to the religion section, I had to walk past the self-help books. The name of this book caught my eye. How many times had my wife told me that I never wanted to open up and have deep talks. I bought this book instead of the one on Church History as I was hoping this could give me some answers.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 - 21:51:34
Most men live lives void of the one thing they were unequivocally made for—manhood. In a world that has grossly distorted God’s idea of what a man is and should be, this book swings the axe of truth at the pervasive lies about manhood.
While the focus of the book is what’s in a man’s heart it is also very insightful about what woman most desire and hence were designed for. These revelations about men and women are revelations about the nature of God himself. This is a must read for every Christian for it’s invaluable perspective on manhood, womanhood and what every parent must know about how to raise a boy into manhood. This has been the single greatest book I’ve ever read pertaining to what a real man, especially a real man of God, ought to be in order to live out God’s plan and feel truly alive! God has given us permission to be men and in fact a charge to do so.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 - 13:24:08
As recovering addicts we are overcomers on a daily basis. This book deals with Toms battle with MS and how he was able to use it to glorify God. It teaches us how to use scripture to win the battle.
Monday, February 07, 2005 - 17:02:10
The greatest killer of the addicts is pride. "As pride goes up, sobriety goes down". This book teaches us how to recognize it and deal with it effectively using God's Word.
Monday, February 07, 2005 - 16:59:52