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The Jellinek Chart (Modified)
Dr. E.M. Jellinek, a native of Brooklyn, NY is recognized as one of the premier researchers in the field of alcoholism. He was one of the strongest proponents of alcoholism as a disease. He even went on to typify drinkers into four classes, with the two most severe classes being alcoholics. His writings and descriptions did more for the acceptance of the disease concept of alcoholism and of A.A. as a respectable therapeutic modality than any other medical force of the time. Most every patient in A.A.-based recovery centers in this country encounters the "Jellinek Curve", which describes the progression of the disease. Although, in the Chemical Recovery ministry, we do not concur with all of Dr Jellineks theories, his chart is very useful in better understanding the stages of addiction.

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Monday, February 07, 2005 - 18:55:32

A Study of Relapse Warning Signs

FallingRelapse is a part of recovery - but that doesn't mean we should seek it out. There are many ways to tell whether you or someone you know may be headed for a relapse - that is, start using drugs or alcohol again. This section will help you to examine the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that appear in a person along the road to relapse. The individual may not have all the signs in the order listed but they will have some of them.

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Monday, February 07, 2005 - 18:40:35

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