A Substance Abuse Recovery Ministry of the
International Churches of Christ
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Skype and Jyve Make Communication a Breeze

SkypeSkype and Jyve have brought together a great way to communicate. Skype is an internet telephony software which is free and allows you to make phone calls almost anywhere in the world. If you call other Skype users, it's FREE! You can also call Jyvenon Skype users for around 2c per minute by purchasing Skype Out credit from www.skype.com.

Jyve is a FREE add-on for Skype that will let people know when you are active so that they can talk with you. Skype is a great quality telephone service but it also does Chat and Desktop Share so you can really communicate with others around the globe.

We would like to see how well this would work on the Chemical Recovery site so we need some brave souls to download and install Skype and Jyve on their PC's (Remember they're both free!). When you have set them up and they are working, open your profile settings for this site and add your Skype username in the space provided. Other members will be able to see you on the members list and and communicate directly and encourage you.

If you need help installing the programs, email us here at the site using the Contact Us form and we will walk you through the setup. Hope to see you online soon.

Skype can be downloaded from here and Jyve can be downloaded from here.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006 - 16:31:11

Good News from Southern California
antelope_valley.jpgOn October 20th, 2005, the Antelope Valley Chemical Recovery Ministry celebrated three years of serving God and the Antelope Valley community.  From that time until now, there has never failed to be a weekly Chemical Recovery meeting in the Antelope Valley.  We believe that this ministry is a light to those who are sitting in darkness.  We never go out.

On January 8, 2006, the Antelope Valley group will host a CR graduate reunion.  Anyone who has graduated from the Antelope Valley Chemical Recovery ministry, or is currently participating is invited to a potluck dinner at our regular meeting time at 5:00 p.m.  At this meeting we will also be kicking off our alumni group.  Our goal is to not only help the addict get clean and sober, but to help our graduates live powerful lives of victory, serving God and His church.

The Antelope Valley Chemical Recovery ministry is led by Dave and Jackie Owens.  For more information about the AV Chemical Recovery group, contact Dave or Jackie Owens at (661) 946-7989.

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Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 22:47:40

161,000 and Counting

Numbers.jpgThis site has finally surpassed 150,000 unique visits since its new launch on July 4, 2005. That's an average of 1300 visitors a day! Of course, this is due to Gods power and it goes to show how much addiction there is today in the world and how so many are desperately seeking answers.

Please encourage your friends to visit us and link to us if they have websites themselves. If you are part of a church with a website, please encourage the webmaster to link to us. He or she can usually be reached at an email address such as webmaster@(name of domain).com(.org). Thanks for your prayers, encouragement and support. Please continue to send news items, stories and photos for posting.

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Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 00:34:51

CR Graduate Featured in International Martial Arts Magazine
Budo International MagazineIn Jeremiah 29:11, God makes clear to us that His plans are to prosper us, not to harm us. He wishes to give us a hope and a future. For so many caught in addiction today, there is neither hope nor a future because they will not turn to God. The Chemical Recovery ministry believes and teaches that without God there is no true recovery. There may be sobriety but that is not the recovery that God intends. People like David always 17224157.gifinspire me because the power of God is seen in their lives. They are far from perfect, as David himself would readily tell you, but they show how much God loves us by the victories He has worked in their lives.

When David first came to group, he was very full of his own importance. He felt that he had achieved so much in his life that this CR should be easy. On more than one occasion he and I went toe to toe in group on input he received that he disagreed with. Over time, Davids commitment to God won out and he saw how God wanted to help him to be whole again. He graduated the group and has stayed clean to this day. This article needs to be written not because David is such a great guy but because God is such an awesome God. It is here to encourage you out there that God is alive and well and He is willing and wanting to be a part of your life.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005 - 17:26:54

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