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International Churches of Christ
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Sola Scriptura
A very old BibleThe Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century sought to rightly order the priorities of the church. Their efforts have greatly influenced and shaped the church since that time. Amongst their contributions were the themes Sola Fide, Sola Gracia, Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, and Sola Gloria Deo. Faith alone, Grace alone, Scripture alone, Christ alone, and the Glory of God alone.

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Thursday, September 03, 2009 - 17:10:02

Al Anon for Politicians Wives.
Jenny Sanford sticks to her guns.Hillary, Elizabeth, Darlene, Silda, Suzanne and Jenny. What do all these women have in common? Well they were all married to politicians who have been unfaithful to them: Bill Clinton, John Edwards, John Ensign, Eliot Spitzer, Larry Craig and Mark Sanford, respectively. However, one of these women stands apart from the crowd. Jenny Sanford shows us what it means not to enable someone and how not to become the victim in the vicious cycle of enabling.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 13:20:34

IRS Disappears in a Puff of Disbelief.
irs_logo.jpgBelieve none of what you see, half of what you read and all of what you know is a gem of wisdom my Father gave me many years ago. It is as applicable today as it ever was. All around you someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, someone is trying to scam you. It may be a dying "Christian" woman on the far side of the globe, whose husband just passed away leaving millions that she wants you to have... for a small advance fee (www.scamorama.com)

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Thursday, July 09, 2009 - 17:26:58

What Kind of Independence?
United States Flag surrounding the United States ConstitutionIndependence is the revolutionary lifeblood, which has long captured and stirred the collective imagination of the American people. In the sixteenth century the pilgrims arriving on these shores sought complete Independence from the monarchs of old Europe, and soon organized themselves into what ultimately came to be known as  Independent states. Their earliest founding documents reinforcing this spirit of Independence, ultimately lead to the authoring of the US Constitution, which formally recognized the rights, responsibilities, and Independence of the individual.

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Thursday, July 02, 2009 - 23:35:46

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