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EditorialsThis article is reproduced from our sisters Wendys blog. Stop by and visit and leave some encouraging comments. Thx.
From AA daily reflections: "Experience has taught me that my alcoholic personality tends to be grandiose. While having seemingly good intentions, I can go off on tangents in pursuit of my "causes." My ego takes over and I lose sight of my primary purpose. I may even take credit for God's handiwork in my life. Such an overstated feeling of my own importance is dangerous to my sobriety..." Grandiose thinking is common among addicts and even more so for those of us who are dual-diagnosis, where grandiosity may be a symptom of our mental illness. How can the Bible help us to have a more accurate view of ourselves and our responsibilties? Full Article Here
Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 11:00:32
Whenever we go out to a group to teach about CR and we get to the part about the rules, there is one rule that will invariably raise more debate than the others. It is a rule that does not sit comfortably with a lot of people. Can you guess what that rule is? It's the one that states that doors close promptly at x:xxpm (whatever time you group starts). This means that once group starts, the door is closed and anyone coming after this time cannot enter.
This rule more than any other elicits a slew of scenarios and the "What ifs" begin. What if the person tried their hardest to get here but got delayed in traffic? What if they got lost? What if their child was sick and they had to wait for their spouse? Each of these scenarios can be heart wrenching in their own right but none are reasons to change the rule.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012 - 15:26:43
One of the last words that Dr Bob Smith said to Bill Wilson (The co-founders of AA) was for him to Keep it Simple. These words are very important for the addict in recovery and it is in this light that the Chemical Recovery Fellowship has Total Recovery as one of its traditions.
Recovery is difficult but it is not complex.It is not easy but it is simple. When first we enter recovery and start to get some time in, we can feel great about it and we should. The life we were living and the drink we were drinking no longer has the same hold on us. We feel that we can do some of the things we could not do before. We can finally complete many of the incomplete projects littering our lives.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 17:23:54
One of the most inspiring speeches I’ve ever had the privilege of hearing took less than 30 seconds to deliver; It goes a little something like this:
Three military recruiters are asked to speak at an auditorium packed with high school students. The Navy recruiter steps up first and spends twenty minutes discussing how great the Navy is and the benefits of being a part of it. Not to be outdone the Air force recruiter spends the next twenty-five minutes lauding his branch and speaking highly of the opportunities offered within.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 17:31:29