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EditorialsI Pledge Allegiance
I was reminded of this exercise when the other day I heard a political analyst speaking about the candidates for this years presidential election and how one was sure to win the black vote on account of he himself being of African American descent. Another candidate was sure to win a majority of the female vote as she herself is a female, and finally the last was to amass a huge white male vote by the same superficial standard. “So much for The Dream of being judged by the content of ones character,” I thought.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 - 18:09:16
Christians Despise David’s Victory over Goliath
![]() Consider this: David essentially enlisted in the army. This, in and of itself, would bother many present-day believers. As a member of the United States Army myself I have been approached by many believers and asked how it is that I could be in the army and be a Christian. Some have asked weather it was not in conflict with my faith in God to be a part of the army. Still others ask if I could kill a person in the line of duty as a disciple of God. These are only the Christians “bold” enough to approach me, what of the others not so bold?
Thursday, August 07, 2008 - 17:55:56
Recovery Without Rules
As I got older and entered recovery, I learned that the adage "Nothing is Free" was very true. As I progress through my recovery I see that I have something to pay for every broken rule.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 00:50:11
The Beauty of Never Having to Say "I'm Sorry."
The phrase is "Sorry I'm late." What follows is almost always an explanation that embarrasses the listeners far more than it does the speaker. The excuse is usually pretty weak and almost always could have been avoided with a little planning. I am not really bothered so much with the present lateness as much as I am with the fact that the offenders are usually frequent recidivists.
Thursday, July 17, 2008 - 17:46:16
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