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International Churches of Christ
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Recovery Stories

I Drank For The Same Reasons I Ever Did

I was a Christian for nine years before I even thought I might be an alcoholic. I knew that I had abused drugs and alcohol before I was a Christian but I had stopped when my life began falling apart and I began to study the Bible, seeking a better life with God. I had never known anyone from CR because there wasn't one in my church.

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Friday, February 04, 2005 - 14:58:14

I Liked Getting High Alone
As I recall, I had my first drink when I was six years old. I sampled my grandfather's rum, back while living in Puerto Rico. Both my father and grandfathers depended heavily on alcohol, so I grew up thinking that drinking to the point of drunkenness was something grown ups did for fun, similar to going to the movies or out for a drive. Although unaware at the time, by age nine, I began developing a victim mentality. I felt entitled to hurt others, because people had hurt me first.

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Friday, February 04, 2005 - 14:54:26

I Never Dealt With How I Felt
I started drinking at age 15. The first time I got drunk was with beer. I always felt that I could never fit in to any group at school, or in my family. I was adopted, and even though I never knew this until my thirties, I had always felt separate from my family. School was no different, I just couldn't fit into any group not even the band I was a part of.

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Friday, February 04, 2005 - 14:33:55

I Thought He Was Talking About Me
I had been a disciple for about a year and a half and had hit a slump. I was going through a very emotional time and couldn't understand why I wasn't growing spiritually. As a matter of fact, I thought I was losing my mind. One day, my sister-in-law asked if I would be her CR partner (in those days, it was known as CD, chemical dependency). I said yes, and was I in for a surprise! I sat and listened to the teacher explain "what are the characteristics of an addict". I thought he was talking about me! Everything he said seemed like it was taken out of my life story.

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Friday, February 04, 2005 - 14:29:43

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