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Congregational CR Deacons Appointed - Portland Has their First Chemical Recovery Graduation

 Editor    Jun 15 : 00:37
 None    CR Ministry News

It has been an amazing year for us to see how powerfully God has been moving, not only in our personal lives, but in the CR Ministry.

crpic12a.jpgIt has been an amazing year for us to see how powerfully God has been moving, not only in our personal lives, but in the CR Ministry. In September of 2003, Kip and Elena had asked Lana and I to come and speak to the church about the CR Ministry. For many years the Portland church had been promised the CR Ministry and many dreams and hopes were not fulfilled. In our own hearts we had be praying for God to use us in anyway that He wanted in order to keep the dream of CR alive within our churches and to bring hope to many suffering addicts, wherever that may be.

Psalm 126: 1-3 When the LORD brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
When we arrived in Portland and got settled and we began the ministry in the beginning of May 2004. We were welcomed with open arms into the church and completely supported, not only by Kip and Elena, but by every single brother and sister within the church. We were also very humbled of how God had moved and Lana and I were appointed congregational Deacons over the CR Ministry. It was very sad to see how many of our brothers and sisters were "sitting in darkness" when it came to their usage to alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and prescription medication. Combined with the effects of how Satan has struck our churches with division and much sin, we knew that only God would provide the path for the ministry and only through prayer could these demons be overcome. Over the past several months we have been battling many demons and Christ has been victorious. We have seen fruit produced in the ministry (3 baptisms), restorations, marriages being reconciled, and most of all God receiving the glory through our faith. We had to battle many issues from discipling, which today seems to be a taboo word, being completely committed to God, and no longer being enslaved to sin. Sometimes the battles were great, and as with David, we had to continue to find our strength in God. And on Friday, November 19 2004, we were able to witness the first CR Graduation in the Portland Church. It was an amazing night filled with joy, laughter and tears and we watch God bring the glory to 15 graduates. Out of those graduates we appointed leaders for the Latin CR Ministry (Spanish speaking only) and an additional woman’s CR leader. Will and Rose Ashley were our guest speakers and delivered a powerful testimony and convicting message to seek and save the lost and suffering addict. The impact of this graduation was phenomenal. Many who had only dreamed of this ministry were in tears, parents were reconciled with there sons and daughters, and God received the glory due for His ministry. Lana and I have been given the charge to take CR into every church of every nation around the world. We believe that this ministry is the only hope for the lost and suffering addict and that only through God can one truly have recovery and salvation. As we are building and moving forward, the CR Ministry must be on the forefront of every congregation in order to “make disciples” of all nations. As leaders in this ministry we must be united before our Lord Jesus Christ and only through His grace and mercy we will see this Ministry continue to be victorious. With Much Love, Russ and Lana Preston Click here to see more photos from the graduation.

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