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CR And ODAAT Play Cupid

 Editor    May 20 : 15:22
 None    CR Ministry News

The Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ Chemical Recovery Ministry and One Day At A Time (ODAAT) are groups of faithful disciples bringing men and women to the Lord.

The Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ Chemical Recovery Ministry and One Day At A Time (ODAAT) are groups of faithful disciples bringing men and women to the Lord. ODAAT was founded in 1983 by Henry "The Rev" Wells. As a recovering addict, he saw the need to provide support for addicts who did not have money, health insurance or a place to live.

The Rev started ODAAT by he and his wife, Margret, inviting a recovering couple and other homeless addicts into their North Philadelphia home. The Rev and Margaret were shortly thereafter baptized into Christ and are currently members of the Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ (GPCC).

ODAAT has expanded their program to include several locations in the Philadelphia area as well as pilot programs in London, England, India and Cambodia. ODAAT has also received national attention being the focus of a story on the news program "60 Minutes II".

The GPCC ministries supports ODAAT by providing a weekly discussion group called the Chemical Recovery Ministry. These are held in North Philadelphia, at the HOPE Clinic Atrium. This group is lead by Rob Dennis, a Deacon of the GPCC, and his wife Susan along with Margaret Wells. ODAAT and the CR Ministry work together to provide spiritual recovery for those in the ODAAT program or for anyone wishing to recover from a chemical addiction. Several members of the CR Ministry have been baptized into Christ and are members of the GPCC. Those include Michael Artis, Don Mathis, Andorra Danzler and Tommie Robinson and his brother Greg Moss. Greg and Tommie serve in the church with Rob Dennis as ushers.

About three years ago, Kelley Casey Bryant and Artice Bryant entered the ODAAT program due to an addiction to cocaine. After the loss of their jobs and several family members they decided to get help. They attended ODAAT and CR Ministry meetings faithfully. After three years of faithfulness, patience and perseverance, Kelley and Artice were married on June 19, 2004. Rob Dennis did the honors of walking the bride down the aisle and his wife, Susan, was one of the bridesmaids. The Bryants are currently enjoying their newlywed status and are staying strong serving in the ODAAT program.

The GPCC CR Ministry meets on Tuesdays. Attendance averages 60 people.To contact ODAAT or the CR Ministry, call or email
Robert Dennis

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