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CR Mourns the Passing of Carmen Correa

 Editor    May 23 : 00:40
 None    CR Ministry News

Our dear Sister and fellow soldier in the faith, Carmen Correa from the Bronx ministry, departed us for heaven on Sunday, May 20th.

Carmen Correa Our dear Sister and fellow soldier in the faith, Carmen Correa from the Bronx ministry, departed us for heaven on Sunday, May 20th. While her destination does give us comfort it has not left all those who knew her and loved her so much without a deep pain at this parting.

She was a teacher, a friend, a voice of reason, and (no doubt) at times the un-ignorable mouth piece of God. She was always real, bold, faithful, and while she was a formidable soldier against Satan, a true force to be reckoned with – she was also soft-hearted and vulnerable.

Carmen truly knew how to be a great friend and she was a ‘best’ friend to many of us. Although she eventually lost her battle with cancer – anyone who was around (including her medical staff) had never seen anyone so strong, and able to fight for so long against this terrible disease. Though she battled cancer for years she neverCarmen Correa stopped serving, teaching and loving.

In the interest of providing comfort to those who knew her I will tell you that she was surrounded by her family and the closest of her friends on her final evening. We sang to her, read her scriptures, spoke to her and, she responded – able to recognize us all. She was herself until the very end, making us laugh with her usual spunky remarks. She was grateful for our song and our fellowship in those final hours. God was there and we all felt it.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15 In the days to come we hope to put together a more appropriate biography on our beloved sister who defended and faithfully served the CR ministry for over a decade.

Troy Figueroa
Michelle Torres
Lydia Callas

Bronx Ministry

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