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CR Retreat in LA - Wounded Healers

 hmullan    Jan 01 : 15:18
 None    CR Ministry News

December 5, 2006Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,I am writing this as a reflection and a report on an awesome event that took place this last weekend in Southern California.

WoundedDecember 5, 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I am writing this as a reflection and a report on an awesome event that took place this last weekend in Southern California. Eleven disciples from the BACC body took part in a Chemical Recovery retreat that included Christians from Portland, Antelope Valley, and the LA Church, as well as S.F. This was a mountain top experience that was focused only on Chemical Recovery with no other agenda expressed or present. The theme was "Wounded Healers" and the focus was on strengthening, unifying, and growing the CR ministries of the West Coast Churches and beyond.

Hosea 6:1 says, "Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds."

We had classes on the Basics of CR, Advanced CR, Co-Dependency, Reviving your CR Ministry, and there was even a mock Intervention to train, equip, and inspire us in our work with the Chemically Dependent.

There is a story in Luke 17 about ten lepers (untouchables) who call out to Jesus to be healed. Jesus heals them yet only one of the ten comes back to thank Jesus. He was a Samaritan, a "foreigner". He was the most grateful! Our challenge is to work with some of the most wounded, to some, "untouchable" people through the CR Ministry and help them to be healed by Jesus. The reward is to see that they are some of the most grateful and caring disciples and that they want to help others to have what Jesus has given them. Theirs is a productive, hopeful life, where there once was none.

Some of us present at the retreat spoke of putting before the Lord a plan to have an International CR Retreat in the near future. When Jeanne and I were in Russia 2+ years ago to bring our son home, we had a chance to speak to some Russian Church leaders about CR for over two hours. When visitors were in San Francisco from Nairobi this year, John and Carol Turner were able to talk with them about CR and give them some of our printed resources and lots of hope to start a CR Ministry in their home Church. Sergio Arguello in LA went to Nicaragua this year to train and inspire Church leaders there to start a CR Ministry and help them with humanitarian aid to build houses. All of these "foreigners" were very grateful to hear about CR and to get some much-needed help to minister to their congregations.

Isaiah 53: 5 says, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

Jesus is the ultimate "wounded healer". He knows that every soul is worth saving on the entire earth. Let us pray that CR becomes an incredibly effective tool for unification and for saving souls throughout all the Churches of Christians, everywhere, to God’s glory.

Bruce and Jeanne Hahne - San Francisco

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