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Husband & Wife Now Lead As One!! Editor Oct 16 : 21:27
Brothers & Sisters!
I am so very excited to FINALLY share that through many years of prayer - my husband and I are leading CR together!! Ever since I graduated from CR 7 years ago and started Co-leading I have had the dream of leading CR with my husband. I have had to learn to not "push" him and surrender that if it was Gods will - then God would move his heart. I remember a day that I finally prayed - "God, if it is not my husband that you would have lead the Men's CR Group, then please raise someone up who will have a heart for the ministry and for the men". It was then that I beleive God started to move in my husbands heart. He has for the past 3 years attended the CR Leaders Retreat with me as a support. It was last year at the retreat 2007 in So Cal. that he felt called by God to lead!! He knew I would jump up and down and do cartwheels - so he told me what he was feeling in the "food line" He has been attending training classes since February of this year and is now leading a group of men in the IE!!! We had a VERY succesful CR Sunday Service a few weeks ago and I am expecting at least 5 women to start Oct 5th!!! PRAISE BE TO GOD " Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love |
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