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West Coast Leaders Retreat Editor May 20 : 15:48
November 21st marked the first Los Angeles and San Diego CR leader's retreat. November 21st marked the first Los Angeles and San Diego CR leader's retreat. Leaders from LA and San Diego regions joined together for a time of strengthening and encouragement. Our training was incredible as we practiced mock journals both humorous and enlightening. We shared real life journals that renewed our humility and gratitude for our loving Father. We realized that we were undeserving of the love that has freed us from all that has enslaved us. We joined in breaking bread together and celebrated with a thanksgiving dinner. The weekend also served as a send-off for an incredible couple, to the Portland, Oregon church of Christ. Russ and Lana Preston along with Craig ? were asked to go up to Portland to lead the Congregational CR Ministry and to duplicate the work Will and Rose Ashley had performed with the LA congregational CR ministry. After Kip and Eleana McKean transferred there to lead the congregation, they had asked what were the three greatest needs of the church. One of the top three was the need for a CR ministry. Kip consulted with Will and Rose Ashley for advice and guidance about who could assist with such a task as it would require a great sacrifice to leave everything and assist that ministry. They immediately thought of Russ and Lana Preston. This call Russ and Lana will not be on staff nor paid by the church, but they will be leading a ministry that requires a "full time" heart. In a time where very few people are being called out of their local churches, much less their congregations, Russ, Lana and their daughter Mica are selling their home and moving their careers to Portland to do the work that God has called them to do. And to God be the glory. |
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