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Another Run Editor Feb 16 : 17:46
Whenever it became apparent that someone in the group was about to use drugs or alcohol again, a brother in our CR group would ask this question; "Do you have another run in you?
I remember visiting a place called Low Falls, a small waterfall in upstate NY. There was a rope tied to a tree that was used to swing over a pool of water at the bottom of the falls. People were swinging on it and jumping in. It looked like a lot of fun. So I decided to try it. But I didn't want to jump in because I was fully dressed. I grabbed the rope and looked over the ledge, it was about two stories high. I, however, was about 10 times higher - on marijuana! I swung out and came back to the perch. It was so nice I had to do it twice. On the way back to the rocky ledge, I missed my footing and swung out again, this time on a different trajectory. As I returned toward the perch, i was now not even facing the rigt direction. I missed again! With each miss, I was getting further and further away from the landing perch. I was also trying to avoid hitting the large jutting rocks adjacent to the ledge as I spun out of control . At the same time I was inching down the rope coming closer and closer to the water! A small crowd had taken interest in my plight and were "Ooooing" and "Aaaaahhing" with every failed attempt get back to the ledge. My strength was failing. "This was not a good idea!" was the last thought I had before my foot touched the water. Immediately, I was sucked under! I heard nothing. Saw nothing. I just felt the weight of my water logged clothes pulling me down! There was a brief moment of panic... then I resurfaced! To applause! Embarrassed, I made my way back to land. That was the last time I ever saw that place! What about you? How good does your temptation look to you? Are you just gonna take one swing at it? Is once enough? What happens when you're getting further away from where you ought to be? Losing your grip? Until you sink into the darkness. Alone. Weighed down by all your sin! Will you be able to resurface? Or is your time up? Listen to what the Almighty has to say: If you had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made my thoughts known to you. But since you rejected me when I called... ignored all my advice and would not accept my rebuke... What about YOU? Do you really have another run in you? |
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