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Recovery is Simple

 Editor    Mar 22 : 17:23
 None    Editorials

One of the last words that Dr Bob Smith said to Bill Wilson (The co-founders of AA) was for him to Keep it Simple. These words are very important for the addict in recovery and it is in this light that the chemical Recovery Fellowship has Total recov

One of the last words that Dr Bob Smith said to Bill Wilson (The co-founders of AA) was for him to Keep it Simple. These words are very important for the addict in recovery and it is in this light that the Chemical Recovery Fellowship has Total Recovery as one of its traditions.

Recovery is difficult but it is not complex.It is not easy but it is simple. When first we enter recovery and start to get some time in, we can feel great about it and we should. The life we were living and the drink we were drinking no longer has the same hold on us. We feel that we can do some of the things we could not do before. We can finally complete many of the incomplete projects littering our lives.

As addicts, we tend to do all things to extreme. We throw ourselves into repairing our lives eventually packing our schedule so much that we can hardly fit in a meeting or get a chance to talk with someone else in recovery like us. At this point we have allowed our recovery to become unsimplified.

I have not picked up a drink or drug for over 20 years however come Sunday evening, I know where I need to be. Come Sunday I need to be sitting with the rest of my addicted brethern at the CR meeting. I need to be going over the rules, hearing the traditions listening to what others in the room have to say with the understanding that I am never finished learning. When the meeting is over, I need to help put up the chairs, clean the coffee pot or tidy up the room.

I am where I am today because of Gods grace for me. My best efforts made me an alcoholic. To keep my recovery i must keep it simple. Keep coming back, keep listening and learning, keep serving and singing. Just keep it simple.

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