Husband & Wife Now Lead As One!!

 Editor    Oct 16 : 21:27
 None    CR Ministry News

Brothers & Sisters!

jay_tammy_and_p.jpgBrothers & Sisters!

I am so very excited to FINALLY share that through many years of prayer - my husband and I are leading CR together!! Ever since I graduated from CR 7 years ago and started Co-leading I have had the dream of leading CR with my husband.

I have had to learn to not "push" him and surrender that if it was Gods will - then God would move his heart. I remember a day that I finally prayed - "God, if it is not my husband that you would have lead the Men's CR Group, then please raise someone up who will have a heart for the ministry and for the men".

It was then that I beleive God started to move in my husbands heart. He has for the past 3 years attended the CR Leaders Retreat with me as a support. It was last year at the retreat 2007 in So Cal. that he felt called by God to lead!! He knew I would jump up and down and do cartwheels - so he told me what he was feeling in the "food line" smile That God was calling him to lead and felt as though ever lesson and class that weekend was directed at him.

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