Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

 hmullan    Jan 17 : 14:21
 None    Movie Reviews


The power of logic is too seldomly lifted up as the virtue that it is. People of faith often believe the lie that logic (and by extension truth) is incompatible with faith.

Sherlock HolmesUsing any credible measures for assessing the quality of a movie, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows scores an A plus across the board. Action-packed, full of the type of wit the English are famous for, compelling cinematography that puts you convincingly in the London of the late 1800's, and a cast of actors that never remind you they are acting. But for a guy like me it is the seemingly unintended message that moves me most deeply.

The power of logic is too seldomly lifted up as the virtue that it is. People of faith often believe the lie that logic (and by extension truth) is incompatible with faith. That God is orderly and has ordered the world as a means to show himself wise and magnificent is not spoken of so much.

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