Your Kids Do Listen To You

This essay written by a teen in NY is an inspiring read. One of the teens parents is a recovering alcoholic who has been a part of the Chemical Recovery Fellowship for decades. This is a great example of how our children do listen to us and if we are consistent in the message we teach, they will be in a better place to make the right decisions when called upon to do so.


In today’s society where the use of alcohol and drugs have become a rite of passage for youth ages thirteen and older, it is not uncommon to hear horror stories about teen substance abuse. The peer pressure to join in these activities is greater than ever. At friends’ homes, at parties, and even in the school parking lot, teens consistently compromise their conscience in order to fit in or to be popular. Yet, despite these unfortunate truths, there are still teenagers and young adults today who choose to hold on to their values, to not conform, and to avoid the use of alcohol or drugs. These young people are focused on pursuing their goals of education, athletics, career, etc. I am proud to be one of them.

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This news item is from ChemicalRecovery.Org