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How Can I Tell If My Teen Is Using Drugs? hmullan Aug 07 : 21:32
It's difficult to know if the changes you're seeing in your child are related to drug use or depression, or are part of the identification crisis that's typical of many adolescents.You probably fear that if you confront them with your concerns, they'll bolt out of the house and run away, and cut all ties to home. ![]() You probably fear that if you confront them with your concerns, they'll bolt out of the house and run away, and cut all ties to home. If you say nothing, taking on the "don't ask, don't tell" approach, you take the chance that they'll slip further from the goals and dreams you hold for them and the ones you thought they held for themselves. By being patient and allowing them to move thorough this period, they could snap out of it. Do you want to leave it to chance?
Right now, your first approach should be to learn more information. While the changes in your child's behavior are of concern, they probably only put them at borderline risk. If, however, the answers to the following questions are "yes" they could be high risk.
If you can answer yes to more than one of these, it's time to seek professional help. Start by talking to a professional drug counselor who works with teens and knows what to do about it. It's important to talk with your child's school counselors and teachers as well. They may see your child differently than you. Also, talk to the parents of your child's friends. |
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